A La Turka, Stockton Heath

A La Turka is a Mediterranean restaurant in the Stockton Heath area of Warrington. I had arranged to meet a friend here after being recommended it by another friend. After running through a storm and climbing the stairs to the front desk I was asked if I was lost 😂 Realising I looked bedraggled, wrapped in a million scarves and soaking wet I told the staff I had a booking and was led to a lovely window seat. Then after being sat for a few minutes, realised I’d actually been here before, years ago, with the friend who had recommended it to me. Ha.

A La Turka

Anyway, myself and my friend had decided to eat from the lunch menu. With £9 for three nibbles and £12 for four tapas it seemed a proper bargain. The choices were great and all were allergen labelled. The staff were really friendly and quickly took our drink orders as we chose from the menu.

The lunch menu

From the nibbles we chose Feta cheese and Olives, Ezme (chilli sauce) with pita bread, and Tzatziki with pita bread. I don’t know about you but I love a pita bread with a good sauce to dunk it it.

For the tapas we firstly chose Feta cheese triangles, or Musca Borek. Borek are Turkish and you know I love my Turkish food. Stuffed with salty feta, spinach and herbs, and wrapped in Filo pastry these were a crunchy delight.

Next up were mini lamb Adana kebabs. Chargrilled spicy minced lamb skewers with a garlic dip. Yum. Adana kebabs are one of my favourites, and here’s some gossip….I once spent five days in Adana. A beautiful city. I even visited the University.

Calamari were next. Fried salt and pepper squid pieces with a wedge of lemon. These were beautiful, done perfectly. Not too chewy and not too heavily battered.

Finally we chose oven baked Feta and honey. This was Feta in a ramekin with hot, melted honey. A little underwhelming but still tasty.

Our meal

The food came all at once, which was great actually as we could mix it up. I love a picky dinner so this was my idea of heaven. It was just the perfect amount of food for the two of us also. I think there were a few olives left. But of course we still had room for dessert…

My friend chose the Toblerone tart. A chocolate cake with almond caramel and chocolate sauce. I of course went for the Turkish Baklava. Rich filo pastry filled with chopped nuts, smothered in syrup and honey and served with ice cream. I just said no to the ice cream this time. Baklava is one of my favourite treats and it doesn’t need ice cream in my opinion. Plus I was full haha. I was glad when it arrived too as the wedge of Baklava was enormous!

Toblerone Tart

We had a lovely meal and it was a great catch up. The food was tasty, authentic and came quickly. The staff were attentive and really friendly. Now I’ve remembered that I’ve been here before, and after this meal, I would definitely visit again. And hopefully remember it 😂

Find the restaurant website here

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